
Rainbow of Desire: A Tool for Social Transformation
Vom Montag, 22. Juni 2015
Bis Freitag, 26. Juni 2015
Aufrufe : 3668
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“The personal is political and the political is personal" 

From 22nd to 26th June, 2015  Barcelona, Spain

Intended for:
  • Group facilitators
  • Social and political activists
  • Formal and non-formal education professionals
  • Mediatos
  • Staff working with in the mental health sector
  • Community workers
  • Drama-therapists
Description: Rainbow of Desire is the name given by Augusto Boal to a series of exercises, games and theatrical techniques within the arsenal of the Theatre of the Oppressed. We use this method to identify, analyze and respond to “internalized oppressions” in order to understand their origin. Learning to use Rainbow of Desire techniques allows us to discover how external oppressions lead us to oppress ourselves, and through a creative exploration, we can identify and deconstruct the power abuses generated within our daily life and at a systemic level.   Understanding the complexity of the “oppression”, their causes and from what and where they feed is essential in the search for alternatives of social transformation, especially when working with groups which face complex situations. The objective of this workshop is to provide tools to discover how the complexity of situations and characters can enhance both the artistic result and the political debate. We cannot reduce the Theatre of the Oppressed to a simplistic division between the characters within a single dimension: the good versus the evil. This could take us to distort or diminish our perception of reality.   In this five day course, participants will gain an understanding of the techniques of Rainbow of Desire, its relationship with other tools such as Forum Theatre, and its practical applications with groups. The workshop offers an immersion into a different perspective of knowing ourselves in the world, to open doors and identify our blockages. This knowledge about ourselves will enable and enhance our interpersonal relationships, as well as our work with groups of young and adult persons.    Participants who are already familiarized with the Theatre of the Oppressed, will find in this workshop a new set of exercises which will enrich their experience with the methodology. Participants who are new to Theatre of the Oppressed, will take advantage of the opportunity to learn reflect and explore the possibilities which this technique offers us. The workshop is intended for all persons who wish to participate, regardless of their theatrical experience.
Course content: Towards the end of the workshop, participants should have:
  • Acquired the basic concepts to work with social oppressions, internalized oppressions and the relationship between both.
  • Learnt and shared the methodologies to work with oppressions, bloqueages and conflict through theatrical techniques, such as:
    • Circles of masks and rituals: explore the masks which are present in the different aspects of our lives;
    • Image and counter-image: storytelling as research of how we show and see moments of oppression;
    • Analytical image: working with the subjective distortion of reliving a difficult moment;
    • Rainbow of Desire: identifying and clarifying our wishes through the use of images;
    • Cops in the head: disenabling of redirecting voices in our subconscious which limit our possibilities.
  • Acquired the necessary tools to work with interpersonal, relational and group conflicts using artistic and theatrical techniques, especially for the facilitation of groups.
  • Learnt to explore about oppressions in their subjective aspects to be able to socialize them. The situations of oppression are not limited to a particular relationship between an oppressor and an oppressed, but rather forge themselves within the social context, including and influencing other social actors involved.  
Number of participants:
  • Minimum: 10 people
  • Maximum: 30 people
 Work timing:
  • 10.00h - 13.30h and 15.00h - 18.00h
Languages used:
  • During the course we will be working in English, Spanish, Catalan and French.
Course fee:
  • Early fee: 175 Euros until 30th of April
  • Late fee: 250 Euros after May 1st
  • This fee does not include accommodation and meals.
Funding: Please contact us at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! for funding possibilities.    
Meritxell Martinez Bellafont  Theatre of the Oppressed Curinga-Joker, Social Educator and permanent researcher of social trasnformation tools which might enrich the work of La Xixa Teatre. She leads various projects in the field of education, social transformation and community empowerment, both locally and internationally. Born in Catalunya and resident in Barcelona, she carries out workshop and multiplies the different techniques of Theatre of the Oppressed.   Adrián Crescini Theatre of the Oppressed Curinga-Joker. Born in Mendoza, Argentina, and resident in Barcelona, he develops his professional work from La Xixa Teatre. Permanent researcher of tools for group facilitation, he studied Theatre, Social Psycology and Education in Argentina. With broad experience in the multiplication of Theatre of the Oppressed tools in Europe, South America and Western Africa. 
Ort Barcelona (Spain), CC. La Barceloneta. http://ccivics.bcn.cat/barceloneta