
The fundamental basis of Theatre of the Oppressed as a Conscientization/Liberation method – part 1
Vom Montag, 11. April 2016
Bis Freitag, 15. April 2016
Aufrufe : 3639
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CONTENTS: the training is a research around T.O. and new perspectives. We’ll try to keep together the main elements of this method, developed in different periods and sometimes misunderstood: the connection between micro and macro-cosmos and individual-group-society, Aesthetics as a tool to explore oppression deeply, attention also to legislative dimension, the Freire’s contribute to conscientization, etc. Concretely we are going to build up a Forum-Theatre model, paying attention to the above mentioned elements.

TRAINER: Roberto Mazzini by Giolli

COSTS: different costs for people granted by Erasmus plus program or not, coming from Third countries or Westerns, etc.

DEADLINE: discount before 11th February.

Info (in English, French, Spanish, Italian):

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Ort North Italy, in a residential structure