
KURINGA Qualification Programme 2016 - Course I
Vom Montag, 25. April 2016
Bis Donnerstag, 05. Mai 2016
Aufrufe : 7323
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SpringSummer Kuringa 2016The KURINGA Theatre of the Oppressed Qualification Programme combines the theoretical deepening with practical experiences, enabling the consistent development of the praxis of the method. This programme is based on training and multiplication.

New Group (D) – 2016 / 2017
11-day training: 25th April till 05th May 2016
Roots and Wings I – basic concepts of the method
Forum Theatre – framing the question (first part)
Image – Aesthetics of the Oppressed
Sound / Rhythm – Aesthetics of the Oppressed
Word – Aesthetics of the Oppressed
Roots and Wings II – Dramaturgy (first part)

The contents will be developed through a collective Forum-Theatre production, which will be presented in a public event.

Multiplication (at field of work/activism of the participants)

Annual Seminar and Theatrical Laboratory which is a practical initiative for all participants of the KURINGA Qualification Programme. There will be also public activities (Forum Theatre Presentations) open for everybody.

Course Language: English
Costs: Each Course: 600EUR
(Registration for both courses: 1000EUR)
April in KURINGA (Seminar and Theatre Laboratory): 200EUR
Monitoring Process: should be agreed during the First Training.
It is also possible to include monitoring in loco in special cases.
Contact for further information and registration:
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REGISTRATION FOR COURSE I till 13th March 2016

Ort KURINGA Berlin, Grüntaler Str. 35, 13359 Berlin-Wedding