
: Workshop on Forum Theatre & Aesthetics of the Oppressed at Badu, Kolkata
Vom Montag, 13. Juni 2016
Bis Sonntag, 19. Juni 2016
Aufrufe : 3829
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The Aesthetics of the Oppressed (Image, Sound, Word) is the theoretical and practical basis of the Theatre of the Oppressed. The Aesthetics of the Oppressed is a means of fighting against the aesthetic invasion of the brains, against the domination of ideas and perceptions and the authoritarian imposition of pre-established conceptions of the beautiful, the right and the desirable. The Aesthetics of the Oppressed is an exercise of freedom that goes against the passive consumption and stimulates the creative and critical production of culture and knowledge.

The workshop focuses on the development of SOUND and RHYTHM in Theatre of the Oppressed scenes and plays. The sound of the voice and the body, the sound of objects and their possible combinations, the rhythm of the created sounds, the rhythm of the characters, the rhythm of the play, the rhythm of the forum and rhythm as dialogue. This experience will promote a collective investigation about the possibilities of rhythmical expression of daily-life oppression and about possibilities to make forum theatre without words, in interaction with self-produced sounds and rhythms, creating dialogues between image and sound, between sound and word (see video links below). The workshop will end with a public presentation.

The aim of the workshop is to strengthen the globally renowned Theatre of the Oppressed work and activism of Jana Sanskriti and to enter into inspiring dialogues on Theatre/Aesthetics of the Oppressed methodology. After the participation of Bárbara Santos and Till Baumann in various Muktadhara festivals this will be a new step in the cooperation that has started many years ago.

Video links:

Workshop and Presentation in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil

Workshop and Presentation in Bogotá/Colombia

KURINGA quali fication course in Theatre and Aesthetics of the Oppressed in Berlin

Ort India, Badu, Kolkata
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