
Exploring Theater of the Oppressed for Participatory Design
Dienstag, 16. August 2016
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Workshop at the Participatory Design Conference in Aarhus, DK. 

“Being a citizen is not living in society, it is changing it.” (Augusto Boal)

We propose a full-day session as an occasion for practising and experiencing several Theatre of the Oppressed techniques as original probes for stepping into Public Design.  The first half of the day will be focused on an interactive presentation of the techniques, while the second will be devoted to practising them as possible Public Design probes.        

Anyone, who is interested or is looking for a different level of design experience can participate in this workshop. 

To participate, we ask interested people to write a message, a public expression of interest, in our blog. No longer than 150 words here: http://www.experientialdesigning.wordpress.com (after having shared your post with us please remember to register in here: https://auws.au.dk/forms/frm1Arrangement.aspx?value=636027121519938006&id=28745)

The outcomes 

We will propose a special issue in an International peer review journal. However, according to participants, we could prepare a live performance to present at the end of the conference.

Teresa Macchia, University of Trento
Vincenzo D'Andrea, University of Trento
Roberto Mazzini, Giolli Cooprative
Angela Di Fiore, University of Trento
Michela Cozza, Mälardalen University

Ort Aarhus, DK